Ocean Spirits, with funding and participation from The Hawksbill Project (and research assistance from the UVI) performed an island wide assessment of Carriacou, (Northern Grenada) West Indies. This study can be used in the future as a baseline. The local Grenadian government can also use the findings to make informed policy decisions.
In 10 days, Ocean Spirits, UVI Sea Turtle Research and Conservation, and The Hawksbill Project discovered the location of the greatest density and abundance of hawksbill turtle in the southern islands of Carriacou. This area becomes an immediate area of concern and desired protection.
Carriacou has abundant reef and sea grass habitats. Ideal habitat for hawksbills and green sea turtles. Despite this, the island appears to have an absence of two keystone species. Sea turtles are a “canary in the coal mine” marker for habitat health. Their absence is a major concern for Carriacou’s reefs and sea grass beds.
Frigate Island and Rose Rock, Large Island, and Bonaparte Rocks are the area of greatest density/ abundance of hawksbill turtles in Carriacou. This area warrants further investigation with a specific need to examine their movement via satellite tags and the natal origin of the hawksbill turtles present.

Ocean Spirits, with funding and participation from The Hawksbill Project returned to Carriacou, (Northern Grenada) West Indies. The goal of the second year study was to confirm the conclusions from the first year. The second year was a rousing success confirming the area of greatest abundance and density for hawksbill turtles in the waters around Carriacou, Grenada, W.I.
In our second year we more than doubled the number of documented hawksbill turtles (from 7 to 16) and observations (from 30 to 51). This occurred because we spent more time in the highest density/most abundant area between Saline Island and Bonaparte Rocks with a specific focus on "Hawksbill Alley."
Carriacou has abundant reef habitat but hawksbill turtle observations outside the aforementioned area are random and sporadic. Days were spent in the West, North, and Eastern side of the island with sometimes not a single hawksbill observation. Additionally, of the 16 documented hawksbill turtles there was an absence of new recruits and small juveniles.
"Hawksbill Alley" is the area of greatest density/abundance of hawksbill turtles in Carriacou. Satellite tags are needed to confirm residency within this habitat, OR to confirm these adult turtles are using this area as a transitory location between their nesting habitat, and their adult foraging habitat.